Sunday, November 7, 2010

30- Day Challenge.

Heeyyy!!!! Ladies & Gents......

So if you don't know already I am going natural. This has forced me to do a lot more research then I have done in my life. Thanks to YouTube I have found some very helpful ladies like Ateyaa, BlackOnyx77, Rusticbeauty, MissMae and some other sista's that offer some really helpful advise on how to care for your hair.

I never heard of a hair steamer before seeing MissMae's review and after my 4th use I can say that besides my Wen by Chaz Dean it is the best purchase I have made. You can get one from

Soooo.... Let's get back on track to the 30 day challenge. With the cold weather on our heels I want to really work on protective styles. I love wearing my hair down and semi-wild where it can blow in the wind. *grin* But the cold weather can really zap the moisture out of your hair. So for 30 days I am going to practice wearing a protective style and taking my vitamins.

I will post a picture of my hair on Wednesday when I wash it and post some pictures of my protective styles that I rock.

Can you do it?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Costco food line

Y is it after .u go to Costco u have to stop for a y ummy snack? For me I can't resist their frozen yogurt but this line is ridiculous. I just spent half of my life walking though this big ass store then when I need refreshment to replenish my fluids I have to wait till the turn if the century to even see th beginning of the line. Ugh
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one is not line the other

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Friday, August 6, 2010

having their nightly walk

Move ducks get out the way, get the way. *ludacris Voice*

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It must have been laundry day

Look what I ran across today minding my business shopping

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

"LOVE ME NOW" ~Celestine J: Ispiring words from a truck driver

"LOVE ME NOW" ~Celestine J: Ispiring words from a truck driver

Ispiring words from a truck driver

Just another day driving to work and i am reminded of just how good god's grace and blessing are. Be blessed and stay positive.

On a side note...Im kinda bummed about all the issues im having with my car and my weight. Sometimes it is hard to continue on the path of progress when u don't see any results along the way. Of course at times you may want to self sabotage or give up but you gotta keep keeping on. So here's to progress.


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